Discouraging News from The World of Aviation
Sad News from The World of Aviation. Things haven’t been looking good for the Aviation Industry for quite a while. And the latest news is hardly encouraging either. A couple…
Thanks to Medical Pioneers of the Past – A Sample
Thanks to Medical Pioneers of the Past The COVID-19 virus has changed the way we work, play, eat, entertain, socialize, conduct business, and pretty everything else we do on a…
My Fear, Love, and Loathing of the Telephone
My Fear, Love, and Hate of the Telephone On March 7th, 2020, we celebrated the 143rd anniversary of the patenting of the Telephone by Alexander Graham Bell. Who created the…
Quarantine? Self-Isolation? This Time It’s Big
Quarantine? Self-Isolation? This Time It’s Big Thapson These days of the COVID-19 scare, we’ve seen the word quarantine and self-isolation used frequently. As we head into uncharted areas with respect…