Thapson is both “who” and “what”. He is a relatively shy, reclusive, and rarely seen humanoid. Despite this temperament, he is likeable, friendly and loves a good hearty laugh orchestrated by his recycled humor which he deftly manipulates rendering it timeless. Relatively worldly, he has resided on three continents and prides in calling all of them his home. He lives in a quiet corner of your average sized city with his immediate household, each with their own idiosyncrasies.
Thapson is also thoughts (hence the “what”). His interests are varied and his opinions flexible enough to admit any errors of judgment. This is a reflection on his amiable personality. But he can be surprisingly steadfast when you least expect it. Despite his disarmingly easy-going demeanor, his brain is always ticking away as he contemplates on the mundane to the serious issues, we face daily. Like why does everyone start their sentence with the word “So” these days? Why do old fashioned special effects trump CGI? And ………. what did happen to Flight MH370?
This site may seem to wander all over, but hold on, there’s a method to the madness. If you’re patient enough, which I’m sure you are, it’ll all fall in place.
Just like Thapson’s thoughts, this site will cover various interests and evolve accordingly. This is where you come in, and why your feedback will shape the direction it takes. Welcome on board!
Hey!! Came across this blog for the first time today!.. So you did it at last – Best of luck. It is beautiful and very informative. Will go through it in detail whenever I can get some precious time 🙂